Christian Fellowship
Christian Fellowship
Oct. 20

  • Devotional: Tyler Beachy
  • Sunday School: Zechariah 11-14; Israel's Suffering Shepherd
  • Offering: Bald Eagle Wilderness Boys Camp
  • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
  • Host Family: Ken Kratzer

  • Dave & Rose are in Tennessee for a wedding.
  • Fall social Friday evening at George's property at 6:00 PM. The hayride leaves at 6:30. Bring lawn chairs.
  • Fellowship Meal next Sunday, October 27.
Oct. 13

  • Devotional: Ervin Beachy
  • Sunday School: No Sunday School
  • Offering: Special Needs Fund
  • Message: Kai Steinnman
  • Host Family: Chris Lehman

  • Save the Date: 2025 Church Retreat -- May 30, 31, June 1.
  • Men's Meeting is planned for Thursday evening, October 17. Agendas will be sent via email. If you did not get one, or don't have email, please let Dave know.
  • Viewing for Dorcas Herr today: 2-4 and 6-8 PM. Funeral tomorrow at 9:30 AM.
Oct. 6

  • Devotional: Landon Zook
  • Sunday School: Haggai, Ezra 3-6; Giving Priority to God's House
  • Offering: Ministry
  • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus
  • Host Family: Jon Fisher

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Men's meeting - Thursday evening, October 17.
  • Calvary Bible School handbooks and applications are available.
Sep. 29

  • Devotional: Lamar Schlabach
  • Sunday School: Zephaniah; God Purifies His People
  • Offering: Open Offering
  • Message: Andrew Zook
  • Host Family: Javon Schlabach

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Calvary Bible School handbooks and applications are available.
  • Men's meeting - Thursday evening, October 17.
  • Dave & Rose are at Shady Grove.
  • George & Priscilla are in Ohio. George's son-in-law, Dustin Snyder, will be ordained deacon at Bethesda this evening.
  • There is a donation envelope on both bulletin boards if you wish to contribute to the upcoming ladies Thanksgiving supper.
  • Church ballgame Monday evening. 6:30 at 8th Street.
  • Thank you to everyone who helped with the SGCS auction! Auction: $27,100. Food/Donations: $16,855. Total: $43,955.
Sep. 22

  • Devotional: JR Riehl
  • Sunday School: Habakkuk
  • Offering: Church Fund
  • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
  • Host Family: JR Riehl

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Wednesday evening: Devotions - Clayton Zook, Topic - Tim Zook
  • The youth have several activities in the next 3 months that we would love to have hosted by church families. Sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
  • Save the Date: 2025 Church Retreat -- May 30, 31, June 1.
Sep. 15

  • Devotional: James Yoder
  • Sunday School: Luke 24:36-53
  • Offering: Shady Grove School
  • Message: Dave Beiler
  • Host Family: Picnic Carry-in at Middleburg Park

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Calvary Bible School handbooks and applications are available.
  • Lunch today at Middleburg Park. All are welcome!
  • The Shady Grove School Benefit Auction sale bills are in your mailboxes. Extras for your family, neighbors, and friends are on the shelf by the mailboxes.
Sep. 8

  • Devotional: Rocky Maust
  • Sunday School: Luke 24:13-35
  • Offering: Church Aid for Those in Service
  • Message: George Stoltzfus
  • Host Family: Jared Yoder

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Calvary Bible School handbooks and applications are available.
  • Men's Meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:00
  • This Saturday, Sept. 14, there will be a fundraiser ball tournament at the 8th Street Ball Field. The youth will have a food stand to raise funds for a mission trip. All are invited to show up at some point to enjoy food and watch some ball.
  • L&L has offered the youth a discount on all the grocery items for that day. In light of that offer, if you would like to contribute to that expense, we put a donation envelope on both bulletin boards. Thank you!
  • The food committee is planning a picnic at a park for lunch next Sunday, Sept. 15. Location to be decided. Food will be like a normal fellowship meal: food committee will take care of it during the service, you take it along to the park.
Sep. 1

  • Devotional: Elmer Maust
  • Sunday School: Luke 24:1-12
  • Offering: Special Needs Fund
  • Message: Andrew Zook
  • Host Family: James Yoder

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Calvary Bible School handbooks and applications are available.
  • Men's Meeting on Tuesday evening next week, Sept. 10
  • The youth are planning a food stand to raise funds for a mission trip. This will be at the ball tournament on Saturday, September 14.
  • L&L has offered the youth a discount on all the grocery items for that day. In light of that offer, if you would like to contribute to that expense, we put a donation envelope on both bulletin boards. Thank you!
Aug. 25

  • Devotional: Micah Stoltzfus
  • Sunday School: Luke 23:26-56
  • Offering: Church Fund
  • Message: Dave Beiler
  • Host Family: Ivan Stoltzfus

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Calvary Bible School handbooks and applications are available.
Aug. 18

  • Devotional: Ken Kratzer
  • Sunday School: Luke 23:1-25
  • Offering: Penn Valley Christian Retreat
  • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus
  • Host Family: Glen Beachy

  • Fall Weekend Meetings scheduled for October 11-13 with Kai Steinmann as guest speaker.
  • Church ballgame Monday evening at 6:30 at 8th Street.
Aug. 11

  • Devotional: Gerald Lapp
  • Sunday School: Luke 22:47-71
  • Offering: Mexico Mennonite Aid
  • Message: Melvin Lehman
  • Host Family: Fellowship Meal

  • Fellowship Meal today. Everyone welcome. Clean up by groups 4 and 5.
  • Men's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00
Aug. 4

  • Devotional: Rendell Good
  • Sunday School: Luke 22:24-46
  • Offering: Ministry
  • Message: Andrew Zook
  • Host Family: George Stoltzfus

  • Sunday, August 11, Melvin Lehman plans to be at Shekinah for Sunday morning and evening. We are planning to have a fellowship meal.
  • Church ballgame Tuesday evening at 6:30 at 8th Street
Jul. 28

  • Devotional: Tim Yoder
  • Sunday School: Luke 22:1-23
  • Offering: Church Fund
  • Message: Dave Beiler
  • Host Family: Drew Roth

  • Sunday, August 11, Melvin Lehman plans to be at Shekinah for Sunday morning and evening. We are planning to have a fellowship meal.
  • Due to conflicting schedules, the men’s meeting planned for this week will need to be postponed to one week later August 7. We apologize for the delay and change of plans and ask for your patience. Thank You.
Jul. 21

  • Devotional: Jon Fisher
  • Sunday School: Luke 21:20-38
  • Offering: Shady Grove School
  • Message: George Stoltzfus
  • Host Family: Elmer Stoltzfus

    Jul. 14

    • Devotional: Glen Beachy
    • Sunday School: Luke 21:1-19
    • Offering: Periodicals/Devotionals
    • Message: Andrew Zook
    • Host Family: Elmer Maust

      Jul. 7

      • Devotional: Ed Beiler
      • Sunday School: Luke 20:27-47
      • Offering: Special Needs Fund
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Ed Beiler

      • Members Meeting Wednesday evening instead of Small Group Bible Study.
      Jun. 30

      • Devotional: Drew Roth
      • Sunday School: Luke 20:1-26
      • Offering: Open Offering
      • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Floyd Miller

      • Church ball game Thursday evening at 8th Street. 6:30 PM
      Jun. 23

      • Devotional: David Cohen
      • Sunday School: Luke 19:28-48
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: David W Stoltzfus

      • Summer Bible School: Monday - Friday evening at 7:00.
      • Updated devotional schedule in the back as a few people were missed.
      Jun. 16

      • Devotional: David B Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 19:1-27
      • Offering: Christian Light
      • Message: Aaron Lapp
      • Host Family: David Peachey

      • Sign up sheet in the back for VBS. (June 24-28)
      Jun. 9

      • Devotional: Chris Lehman
      • Sunday School: Luke 18:18-43
      • Offering: Those in Service
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Dave & Rose

      • Sign up sheet in the back for VBS. (June 24-28)
      Jun. 2

      • Devotional: Ed Beiler
      • Sunday School: Luke 18:1-17
      • Offering: Ministry
      • Message: Kinley Coulter
      • Host Family: Daniel Beachy

      • Sign up sheet in the back for VBS.
      • Church ballgame Monday evening, 6:30 at 8th St ballpark
      May. 26

      • Devotional: Tyler Beachy
      • Sunday School: Luke 17:20-37
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: Elmer J Stoltzfus

      • Summer Bible School June 24-28
      • Sign up paper in the back for the fruit sale next Saturday, June 1.
      May. 19

      • Devotional: Travis Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 17:1-19
      • Offering: Shady Grove Christian School
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Clif Lehman

      • Summer Bible School June 24-28
      • The Amish Mennonite Church Directory (The Red Book) is getting updated this year. Laura Beachy is compiling the church information for Shekinah. Additional details will be in your church mailbox.
      • Church ballgame Monday evening, May 20, at the 8th Street Ballpark at 6:30.
      May. 12

      • Sunday School:
      • Offering: Penn Valley
      • Message: Service at Penn Valley
      • Host Family: none

      • Service at Penn Valley today. No service at Shekinah.
      May. 5

      • Devotional: Jordan Yoder
      • Sunday School: Luke 16:19-31
      • Offering: Special Needs Fund
      • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Amos Hostetler

      • Church Retreat at Penn Valley this week Friday evening through Sunday. No service at Shekinah next Sunday.
      • Summer Bible School June 24-28
      Apr. 28

      • Devotional: Timothy Zook
      • Sunday School: Luke 16:1-18
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Rich Bowman
      • Host Family: Amos Jr. Hostetler

      • Church Retreat May 10-12
      • Summer Bible School June 24-28
      Apr. 21

      • Devotional: Spencer Lehman
      • Sunday School: Luke 15:1-32
      • Offering: Lamp & Light
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Clif Lehman

      • Church Retreat May 10-12.
      • Summer Bible School June 24-28.
      • Members meeting instead of men's meeting on Monday night. 7:00 PM.
      Apr. 14

      • Devotional: Sheldon Nissley
      • Sunday School: Luke 14:12-35
      • Offering: Masters International Ministries (M.I.M.)
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: Andrew Beachy

      • Communion for next Sunday is postponed.
      • Summer Bible School June 24-28
      • Next Sunday evening at Shady Grove Hymn Sing the Bethel Chorus from Belleville will be at Shady Grove, 7 PM.
      • We plan to start instruction class soon. Any others wishing to join, contact one of the ministry.
      Apr. 7

      • Devotional: Rocky Maust
      • Sunday School: Luke 13:31 - 14:11
      • Offering: Ministry
      • Message: George Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Fellowship Meal

      • Council Meeting this Wednesday evening, Communion April 21.
      • Fellowship Meal today -- cleanup group 3 (Rendell Good).
      • Church House Cleaning this Tuesday evening at 6:00.
      • We plan to start instruction class soon. Any others wishing to join, contact one of the ministry.
      • Church Retreat May 10-12. RSVP to Margie Peachey by today.
      • April sewing is canceled because of the ladies seminar at East District on Tuesday.
      Mar. 31

      • Devotional: Nate Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 13:10-30
      • Offering: Open Offering
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: Fellowship Brunch

      • Council Meeting April 10, Communion April 21.
      • Fellowship Brunch today - all welcome! Clean up group 2 (David W. Stoltzfus)
      • New Host Family schedules (beginning April 14) are in your mailboxes.
      • Church House Cleaning this Tuesday evening at 6:00.
      • Men's Meeting for April 8 is postponed because of the solar eclipse.
      • We plan to start instruction class soon. Any others wishing to join, contact one of the ministry.
      • Dave & Rose are in Kansas.
      • Church Retreat May 10-12. RSVP to Margie Peachey by next Sunday.
      Mar. 24

      • Devotional: Ken Kratzer
      • Sunday School: Luke 12:49 - 13:9
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Tim & Lois

      • Church Retreat May 10-12. RSVP to Margie Peachey by April 7. Paper in your mailboxes with more details.
      • Easter Sunrise Service next Sunday, weather permitting. Plan for an outdoor service, Sunday School, and breakfast. Time to be announced.
      • Dave & Rose and Tim & Lois are going to the Ministers' Meetings this week. Tim will be sharing a message there.
      • Church House Cleaning April 2.
      Mar. 17

      • Devotional: Micah Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 12:22-48
      • Offering: Shady Grove School
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Travis & Heather

      • Proposed dates: Council Meeting April 10 and Communion April 21.
      • We are planning to begin instruction class soon. Anyone wishing to join let one of the ministry know.
      • Plans are being made to have an early outdoor Easter service and a fellowship brunch on March 31.
      • Church house cleaning scheduled for Tuesday, April 2 at 6 PM. Lists are in the mailboxes.
      • Reminder: Church Retreat May 10-12 at Penn Valley. There will be more details/updates soon.
      Mar. 10

      • Devotional: Milford Lehman
      • Sunday School: Luke 12:1-21
      • Offering: Church Aid for Those in Service
      • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Spencer & Trudy

      • Proposed dates: Council Meeting April 10 and Communion April 21.
      • Men's Meeting tomorrow evening at 7:00.
      • A copy of the proposed standard revisions is in your mailbox. We will be reviewing these at Men's Meeting.
      • Sewing on Tuesday
      • Gerald and Rosie and their three oldest children, Alyssa, Kayla, and Javon, have requested membership.
      • Hope Yoder requested baptism and we plan to start instruction class soon. We are inviting any others who would like to join; let one of the ministry know.
      • We will be voting for two committee replacements: AJ & Kristi on the Summer Bible School Committee and Jay & Gina on the Food Committee.
      Mar. 3

      • Devotional: Clif Lehman
      • Sunday School: Luke 11:37-54
      • Offering: Special Needs Fund
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: Sheldon Nissley

      • Proposed dates: Council Meeting April 10 and Communion April 21.
      • Daylight Saving Time begins next weekend.
      • Men's Meeting on Monday evening, March 11.
      • PTF Tuesday evening at school at 7:00.
      Feb. 25

      • Devotional: Tim Yoder
      • Sunday School: Luke 11:24-36
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Nate Stoltzfus

      • Proposed Council Meeting and Communion dates: April 10 and April 21.
      • Andrew Zook would like to be replaced on the church retreat committee. Sheldon Nissley and Verlyn Peachey are the others on the committee. Be prepared to give a nomination on Wednesday evening.
      • Men's Meeting on Monday evening, March 11.
      Feb. 18

      • Devotional: Jared Yoder
      • Sunday School: Luke 11:1-23
      • Offering: AMA Workers
      • Message: Mark Kurtz
      • Host Family: Fellowship Meal

      • Fellowship Meal today: Everyone Welcome! (Cleanup - Group 1)
      • Proposed Council Meeting: Wednesday evening, April 10.
      • Proposed Communion: Sunday, April 21.
      Feb. 11

      • Devotional: Jon Fisher
      • Sunday School: Luke 10:25-42
      • Offering: Special Needs Fund
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Larry Stoltzfus

      • Revival meetings this week Monday - Friday evenings and Sunday evening. No service on Saturday evening.
      • Services start at 7:00 PM this week.
      • Fellowship meal next Sunday.
      Feb. 4

      • Devotional: Larry Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 10:1-24
      • Offering: Ministry
      • Message: George Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Lamar Schlabach

      • Week of meetings by Mark Kurtz February 12-18. Let's be in prayer for these meetings.
      Jan. 28

      • Devotional: Javin Peight
      • Sunday School: Luke 9:46-62
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: Ken Kratzer

      • Week of meetings by Mark Kurtz February 12-18.
      • February Hymn sing rescheduled to next week (Feb. 4).
      Jan. 21

      • Devotional: Jason Lehman
      • Sunday School: Luke 9:18-45
      • Offering: Shady Grove School
      • Message: Tim Yoder
      • Host Family: Jon Fisher

      • Mark Kurtz from Valley View has consented to have our spring meetings. Due to his schedule, it works best to have it February 12-18. Let's be praying for him in preparation for these meetings. Sorry about the short notice.
      • Shady Grove has rescheduled the February Hymn Sing for February 4.
      Jan. 14

      • Devotional: Jared Yoder
      • Sunday School: Luke 9:1-17
      • Offering: CAM
      • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Jaylin Schlabach

      • This evening's service starts at 6:30 PM.
      Jan. 7

      • Devotional: James Yoder
      • Sunday School: Luke 9:1-17
      • Offering: Special Needs Fund
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Javon Schlabach

      • Church is cancelled due to winter weather conditions. No services at Shekinah this morning.
      Dec. 31

      • Devotional: Glen Beachy
      • Sunday School: Luke 8:26-56
      • Offering: Open Offering
      • Message: Tim Yoder
      • Host Family: JR Riehl

      • A Blessed 2024 to You!
      Dec. 24

      • Devotional: Floyd Miller
      • Sunday School: Luke 8:1-25
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Jason Lehman

      • Merry Christmas!
      Dec. 17

      • Devotional: Erwin Hostetler
      • Sunday School: Luke 7:36-50
      • Offering: AMA
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: Jared Yoder

      • School Program on Thursday evening at Shady Grove at 7:00
      Dec. 10

      • Devotional: Rendell Good
      • Sunday School: Luke 7:18-35
      • Offering: Those in Service
      • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: George Stoltzfus

      • Sewing on Tuesday
      Dec. 3

      • Devotional: Elmer J. Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 7:1-17
      • Offering: Ministry
      • Message: George Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Ivan & Katrina

      • 2024 Church Calendar - Updates due today (to Angie).
      • Save the Date: May 10-12, 2024 for the Shekinah Church Retreat
      Nov. 26

      • Devotional: Elmer Maust
      • Sunday School: Luke 6:37-49
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: Glen & Heather

      • 2024 Church Calendar - Please have updates to Angie by next Sunday.
      • Save the Date: May 10-12, 2024 for the Shekinah Church Retreat
      Nov. 19

      • Devotional: Drew Roth
      • Sunday School: Luke 6:20-36
      • Offering: Shady Grove School
      • Message: Andrew Zook
      • Host Family: James & Anna

      • 2024 Church Calendar - Please have updates to Angie by December 3rd.
      Nov. 12

      • Devotional: Ministry
      • Sunday School: No Sunday School
      • Offering: Calvary Bible School
      • Message: Elmer Stoltzfus

      • Please bring finger foods this evening for snack after the service.
      • Men's Meeting Monday evening at 7:00 at Shekinah. Agendas are in the mailboxes.
      • 2024 Church Calendar - Please have updates to Angie by December 3rd.
      Nov. 5

      • Devotional: David W. Stoltzfus
      • Sunday School: Luke 6:1-19
      • Offering: Special Needs Fund
      • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Elmer J & Nikki

      • Council Meeting this Wednesday evening, November 8
      • Communion next Sunday, November 12
      • Next Sunday evening: Thanksgiving service. Please bring finger foods for snack afterward.
      Oct. 29

      • Devotional: Daniel Beachy
      • Sunday School: Luke 5:27-39
      • Offering: Open Offering
      • Message: Ivan Stoltzfus
      • Host Family: Elmer & Ruth

      • Reminder: Daylight Savings Time ends next weekend
      • Council Meeting - November 8
      • Communion - November 12
      Oct. 22

      • Devotional: Javon Schlabach
      • Sunday School: Luke 5:1-26
      • Offering: Church Fund
      • Message: Dave Beiler
      • Host Family: David & Rachel

      • Council Meeting - November 8
      • Communion - November 12
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